If you’re a proud owner of apartments and condos, then you’re probably aware that compared to other industries, yours has one of the highest pest control Boca Raton demands. Pest management can get a little tricky if you have a large base of residents who maintain different lifestyles as well as sanitation habits. It would be nice if you and your tenants are on the same page when it comes to pest control because you won’t have to worry about them doing their part in keeping those pesky pests out of their respective units. Here’s a list of what you wish your residents knew about pest control.
Chances are, not all of your tenants know that water attracts pests. In fact, they can last for a long time without food as long as they have access to water. In a perfect world, residents refrain from overwatering their plants, leaving their cups or bowls with water on the sink, or ignoring leaky faucets.
Contrary to what more people think, bed bugs have nothing to do with cleanliness. It doesn’t matter if the place is clean or otherwise – bed bugs can still thrive as long as they can feed on the blood of humans.
Did you know thatcockroaches and bed bugs can spread from unit to unit, above and below? If yourresidents commit to keeping their homes clean and sanitary, reporting pestproblems, and cooperating with management when inspections and treatments needto be scheduled, pest control Boca Raton will be a lot easier.
If you’re looking to find a pest control Boca Raton service provider, contact O’Hara Pest Control today to schedule an appointment.