If you’re not careful,those nasty rodents could take up residence in your home. These creatures areexperts at squeezing themselves through dime-sized holes, cracks, and doors orwindows that are carelessly left open. Aside from causing potential damage tothe structure of your home or chewing through your electrical wires, rodentsalso transmit disease-causing pathogens through their filthy bodies, saliva, urine,and droppings. If you suspect a rodent infestation in your home, call a pest control Jupiter company right away.
HPS is a life-threateningrespiratory disease caused by arodent-borne virus called hantavirus. In most cases, its symptoms begin tomanifest between one week to five weeks after being exposed to the saliva,urine or droppings of an infected rodent. Early symptoms include headaches,chills, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, fatigue,and muscle aches. Late symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, andrespiratory distress and failure. There’s no cure or vaccine for hantavirusinfection.
LCM is another viralinfectious disease caused by house micethat are infected by the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Furthermore, thedisease can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected rodent’surine, droppings, saliva, and nesting materials. The first phase of the diseaseinvolves symptoms that include fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, headache,nausea, and vomiting. Sometimes, the victim may experience chest pain, jointpain, salivary gland pain, testicular pain, sore throat, and cough. When thedisease progresses to its second phase, the patient will develop symptoms of meningitis,encephalitis, and meningoencephalitis. In most cases, people who have developedthese neurological diseases manage to survive. However, it’s possible for themto experience permanent or temporary damage to their central nervous system.Medical management includes the use of corticosteroids and otheranti-inflammatory drugs.
Never choose to ignore arodent infestation in your home. Enlist the help of a pest control Jupiterexpert now. Contact O’Hara Pest Control to schedulean inspection.